Wednesday, September 1, 2010

TAURUS Horoscope for September 2010

Financial and family security ensures that you can turn your mind to more creative pursuits, making this an ideal month for cultivating a hobby, launching a project. September is for all creative pursuits and ideas and expressions and for greater creativity, inspiration in existing work areas, too. That’s not all. For the same reasons, this is also a lively time socially and relationship-wise, with friends and in the company of like-minded people. It enthuses and inspires you greatly and you will perform some mind-boggling feats at work, and that’s wonderful. It makes for a sense of satisfaction as well as emotional security. You turn back to loved ones, sweethearts, spouse /mate. It’s a good time for fresh bonding, closer interaction, and much greater intimacy.

Time to love, coo and woo, kiss and make up, see stars and not stones in the eyes of your spouse, (for some, this could be slightly difficult, I grant) have children, or at least relate to them better, learn new skills yourself for future prospects or just for the pleasure of it. Yes, you will have a lot going for you right now. The greatest plus point of all is that you are able to realize it and gain greatly as a result.

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