Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Google Maps

Google Maps is increasing its popularity on a day to day basis. It has now been integrated with several articles on the web and geographically tagged photos so you can see points of interest and images of any geotagged photo on a Google Map. The data, accessible through a new More dropdown button next to Traffic, can be toggled on or off by simply ticking the check box. Once turned on, Wikipedia points of interest show up on the map as a "W" and images show up as small thumbnails. Clicking on either of the links will give you a closer look at the object. Recently, I was into Google maps in search of Property Manager in Columbus. It made me feel elated. Both the tools promise to bring an excellent layer of information to the already impressive Google Maps, and who knows more sooner the Street Views may be overshadowed by a wealth of geo tagged pics.

I was surprised to know Google offers a free Application Programming Interface (API) that makes doing so pretty trivial. It made me learn how to exactly do this. Specifically, you'll learn how to integrate maps into web pages, extend the mapping feature to mark locations of interest to your site users, and even display location-specific descriptors simply by clicking on the corresponding icon. So friends, It is going to be Gppgle world soon. Be ready to face it!

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