Sunday, January 20, 2008
Giga Bit Ethernet
Gigabit Ethernet, a transmission technology based on the Ethernet frame format and protocol used in local area networks (LANs), provides an informal data rate of 1 billion bits per second (one gigabit). Gigabit Ethernet is defined in the IEEE 802.3 standard and is currently being used as the backbone in many enterprise and business networks. Enjoy using Ethernet then.
Gigabit Ethernet is carried primarily on optical fiber (with very short distances possible on copper media). Existing Ethernet LANs with 10 and 100 Mbps cards can feed into a Gigabit Ethernet backbone. An alternative technology that competes with Gigabit Ethernet is ATM. A newer standard, 10-Gigabit Ethernet, is also becoming available. Grab them soon.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Fast Ethernet
Believe me, it is very easy to use a Fast Ethernet/A key element of Fast Ethernet's success was its ability to coexist with existing network installations. Today, many network adapters support both traditional and Fast Ethernet. These so-called "10/100" adapters can usually sense the speed of the line automatically and adjust accordingly. Just as Fast Ethernet improved on traditional Ethernet, Gigabit or byte Ethernet improves on Fast Ethernet, offering rates up to 1000 Mbps instead of 100 Mbps.
Also known to be 100 Mbps Ethernet.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Dyson vacuum cleaners come in 4 kinds namely Handheld, HEPA filter, strong suction and Upright. Suction is the basic function of a vacuum cleaner. Dyson offers you with powerful and special kind of vacuum cleaners. Moreover, there are special type of storage for dusts and the waste papers.
Dyson cleaner service kit come with a variety of accessories which do help in keeping your home and the surroundings neat. We people browse the internet everyday but how many of us really do take care to clean our system manually? Only a few of us. when we have a machine for the
cleaning purpose and a unique accessory for clearing the dusts on our system, everyone will clean their systems daily. Why do you waot anymore? Just book a Vacuum cleaner online and enjoy cleanliness with Dyson.
Out Of Range
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Sunday, January 13, 2008
FM Transmitters
Groove Cruise FM Transmitter with Cradle:

• Wireless transmission music from your MP3 phone to your car''s FM radio
• Perfect for road trips or just a relaxing drive
• Plug in to your cigarette lighter socket - no batteries required
• Complete with 6 phone connectors: Motorola, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, PDA and MP3 player
• Check table below to see phone models
• Adjustable cradle to hold your phone or MP3 player in place whilst driving
• Back-lit LCD screen
Groove Traveller Complete Car Kit FM:

• Play your entire collection of MP3 music, audio books and podcasts through your car’s FM radio
• Just plug in to you cigarette lighter, find a station with no radio signal on your car stereo and tune the GrooveTraveller to the same station
• Charges your internal iPod battery for later use
• Illuminated LCD display for easy tuning at night
• Adjustable and lockable arm moves 180 to hold your iPod nano in a comfortable position for easy access
• Supports any FM frequency from 87.5MHz to 108MHz
• Leaves the top of the iPod clear for use with other accessories (ie: remote)
Transform your next road trip into a musical adventure with the GrooveTraveller. Its the essential iPod Accessory for your car.
Leave boredom behind. Transform your next road trip into a musical adventure or unfolding story with the GrooveTraveller. Its the essential iPod Accessory for your car.
Igneous rocks are formed from melted rock that has cooled and solidified. When rocks are buried deep within the Earth, they melt because of the high pressure and temperature; the molten rock (called magma) can then flow upward or even be erupted from a volcano onto the Earth's surface. When magma cools slowly, usually at depths of thousands of feet, crystals grow from the molten liquid, and a coarse-grained rock forms. When magma cools rapidly, usually at or near the Earth's surface, the crystals are extremely small, and a fine-grained rock results. A wide variety of rocks are formed by different cooling rates and different chemical compositions of the original magma. Obsidian (volcanic glass), granite, basalt, and andesite porphyry are four of the many types of igneous rock.
Sedimentary rocks are formed at the surface of the Earth, either in water or on land. They are layered accumulations of sediments-fragments of rocks, minerals, or animal or plant material. Temperatures and pressures are low at the Earth's surface, and sedimentary rocks show this fact by their appearance and the minerals they contain. Most sedimentary rocks become cemented together by minerals and chemicals or are held together by electrical attraction; some, however, remain loose and unconsolidated. The layers are normally parallel or nearly parallel to the Earth's surface; if they are at high angles to the surface or are twisted or broken, some kind of Earth movement has occurred since the rock was formed. Sedimentary rocks are forming around us all the time. Sand and gravel on beaches or in river bars look like the sandstone and conglomerate they will become. Compacted and dried mud flats harden into shale. Scuba divers who have seen mud and shells settling on the floors of lagoons find it easy to understand how sedimentary rocks form.
Sometimes sedimentary and igneous rocks are subjected to pressures so intense or heat so high that they are completely changed. They become metamorphic rocks, which form while deeply buried within the Earth's crust. The process of metamorphism does not melt the rocks, but instead transforms them into denser, more compact rocks. New minerals are created either by rearrangement of mineral components or by reactions with fluids that enter the rocks. Some kinds of metamorphic rocks--granite gneiss and biotite schist are two examples--are strongly banded or foliated. (Foliated means the parallel arrangement of certain mineral grains that gives the rock a striped appearance.) Pressure or temperature can even change previously metamorphosed rocks into new types.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Love is CraZy
A song lyric once proclaimed that "love is strange." Another fashionable saying suggested "love is blind." After seeing "Crazy Love," I'd like to add a new saying / lyric: Love is strange and sometimes leads to blinding. Such is a very basic premise of the documentary "Crazy Love."
During the 1950's, a young, attractive Linda Riss starts going out with a sometimes Hollywood player, Burt Pugach. All is wine and roses at first, with private plane rides, nights at exclusive New York clubs and other love-at-first-sweeping-off-your-feet-ity. Then Linda finds out Burt is married, and instead of divorcing his wife, as he claims he will, Burt instead strings Linda along... for as long as he can. Eventually they break up, and Linda starts seeing other people, much to the obsessional dismay of Burt. Out of moment of madness (well, multiple moments of madness), the lovesick (emphasis on sick) hires some men to scare Linda to the point where she'll feel she needs Burt's protection and love. The end result, however, is Linda being pelted by the men with the acidic lye, which blinds her and ultimately leads to jail for Pugach... who claims all throughout trial how much he loves her. As the documentary rolls on, the twists and turns continue, particularly when the two get back together. Why would Linda take Burt back? How could she forgive him for blinding her? Does Burt really love her, or is he simply nuts? What does love mean in this instance, in any instance?
I'll admit, I've never understood how a woman can stay with a man who routinely beats her, cheats on her, etc despite the many talk shows that tackle the subject. And with "Crazy Love," I'm still as confused, though I think there may be more of a business partnership aspect to their love, in the sense that the original trial got massive publicity and, as their lives progressed, they continually placed themselves in the limelight by being together (as opposed to being alone and forgotten, something neither of their unhealthy egos could stand). I also think there is an element of their being brought up in a different age, when you were defined by whether you did or didn't marry in many cases, and perhaps they both realized that it's better together than never.
Dan Klores' documentary allows the story to play out slowly, never tipping its hand too much, so those who don't know about Linda and Burt (who have gotten a large enough amount of tabloid fame at this point to make that challenging) are brought along twist by shocking twist. This pace is also somewhat stalling, as certain points seem to be repeating, particularly at the beginning of the film where example after example of Burt's "love" is expressed, when, really, the audience gets it, and you want the story to move on. This is a small point, however, as the main thrust is the "love story" between this obviously deranged man and his victim, and the questions this causes.
All told, "Crazy Love" is a rarity in documentaries; it's fun. Nowadays, documentaries are always so serious and depressing, and sitting through them often leaves me convinced the world is in either a state of perpetual environmental decay (which it is) or perpetual war (...and, it is). Watching "Crazy Love" had me questioning my own definition of love, enjoying the cuteness of the relationship
Thursday, January 10, 2008
The continent of Australia, with the island state of Tasmania, is approximately equal in area to the United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii). Mountain ranges run from north to south along the east coast, reaching their highest point in Mount Kosciusko (7,308 ft; 2,228 m). The western half of the continent is occupied by a desert plateau that rises into barren, rolling hills near the west coast. The Great Barrier Reef, extending about 1,245 mi (2,000 km), lies along the northeast coast. The island of Tasmania (26,178 sq mi; 67,800 sq km) is off the southeast coast.

Democracy. Symbolic executive power is vested in the British monarch, who is represented throughout Australia by the governor-general.
The first inhabitants of Australia were the Aborigines, who migrated there at least 40,000 years ago from Southeast Asia. There may have been between a half million to a full million Aborigines at the time of European settlement; today about 350,000 live in Australia.
Dutch, Portuguese, and Spanish ships sighted Australia in the 17th century; the Dutch landed at the Gulf of Carpentaria in 1606. In 1616 the territory became known as New Holland. The British arrived in 1688, but it was not until Captain James Cook's voyage in 1770 that Great Britain claimed possession of the vast island, calling it New South Wales. A British penal colony was set up at Port Jackson (what is now Sydney) in 1788, and about 161,000 transported English convicts were settled there until the system was suspended in 1839.
Free settlers and former prisoners established six colonies: New South Wales (1786), Tasmania (then Van Diemen's Land) (1825), Western Australia (1829), South Australia (1834), Victoria (1851), and Queensland (1859). Various gold rushes attracted settlers, as did the mining of other minerals. Sheep farming and grain soon grew into important economic enterprises. The six colonies became states and in 1901 federated into the Commonwealth of Australia with a constitution that incorporated British parliamentary and U.S. federal traditions. Australia became known for its liberal legislation: free compulsory education, protected trade unionism with industrial conciliation and arbitration, the secret ballot, women's suffrage, maternity allowances, and sickness and old-age pensions.
Australia fought alongside Britain in World War I, notably with the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) in the Dardanelles campaign (1915). Participation in World War II brought Australia closer to the United States. Parliamentary power in the second half of the 20th century shifted between three political parties: the Australian Labour Party, the Liberal Party, and the National Party. Australia relaxed its discriminatory immigration laws in the 1960s and 1970s, which favored Northern Europeans. Thereafter, about 40% of its immigrants came from Asia, diversifying a population that was predominantly of English and Irish heritage. An Aboriginal movement grew in the 1960s that gained full citizenship and improved education for the country's poorest socioeconomic group.
In March 1996 the opposition Liberal Party–National Party coalition easily won the national elections, removing the labor Party after 13 years in power. Pressure from the new, conservative One Nation Party threatened to reduce the gains made by Aborigines and to limit immigration.
In Sept. 1999, Australia led the international peacekeeping force sent to restore order in East Timor after pro-Indonesian militias began massacring civilians to thwart East Timor's referendum on independence.
In Nov. 1999, Australia's 11.6 million voters rejected a referendum that would have ended Australia's formal allegiance to the British Crown. In 2000, Prime Minister Howard instituted a new tax system, lowering income and corporate taxes, and adding sales taxes on goods and services. Don't miss the chance to go to Australia.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Mean DB
Please be aware of the following cause. When most of us think of PHP, we think of developing for the web. In most cases we will be using a LAMP-based server setup, with our favorite web scripting language contributing the Person. In most cases, the M is filled in with MySQL, although PHP does include support for several other database systems. Is a full-blown database server even necessary for most PHP applications? What about a data-driven website like a blog or a simple family photo album or message board? In these and may other cases, the small, simple, and extremely powerful SQLite may be all you need. Let's take SQLite out for a test drive and see how it performs, find some of the quirks you might run in to, and how to get the most use out of it.
Warming It Up
SQLite has been a PHP staple since version 5, and is available as a PECL extension for PHP 4. There is also SQLite support in PDO; in fact, the PDO SQLite extension is the only way you can get support for SQLite 3. There are already some covering the SQLite 2 extension, so we are going to focus exclusively on PDO. This will also allow us to take advantage of SQLite.
Warning: SQLite 3 uses a new (and incompatible) file format to store its databases. You can read SQLite 2 databases with SQLite 3, but the file will be converted to the SQLite 3 format. Once this is done you can't undo it. You have been warned!
PDO is standard in PHP 5.1, so if you're using the latest PHP release you have everything you need. The extension will be built by default, so unless you want Unicode support no extra configure options are needed. There is one caveat to building SQLite with PHP. If you are building the standard SQLite extension alongside PDO SQLite, then you should build them both shared or both not shared since standard SQLite now depends on PDO SQLite for some functionality. You should also enable the PDO extension before the SQLite extension in php.ini
SQLite is also light on configuration options, because there aren't any! Two options that may affect you opening or creating a SQLite database file do exist, though. SQLite is safe_mode and open_basedir aware, which means if PHP is restricted by either option within the file system, you may get the following error:
safe_mode/open_basedir prohibits opening /tmp/litedb.sq3
If you ever see this error you will either have to adjust your safe_mode/open_basedir settings or use a different directory/filename for you SQLite database.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Movie "The Legend"
The Will Smith starrer "I Am Legend" takes another stab at this premise and does a pretty good job. The premise is clearly established in the opening shots and though itself doesn't quite plunge, the story and action slowly builds up.
The ending is disappointing and seems hastily cobbled together; and that is the weakest point of the movie.
The year is 2012 and New York is desolated. A cure for cancer was found but it had some unfortunate side effects. It transformed a few people into mutant vampires that come out only at night. The scientist Dr. Robert Neville (Will Smith) believes he is the only survivor and has set up a lab in his basement working on a cure. In the day, he and his trusty companion, his dog Sam, roam the streets of New York hunting deer and sending radio messages trying to contact other survivors.
One day, he and his dog accidentally encounter these human zombie creatures and this leads to a series of unfortunate events, which leads him to a woman and her son. In the end he finds a cure and saves mankind.
The narrative is straightforward and though at times it seems a drag to watch just a man and his dog, director Francis Lawrence sprinkles in some flashbacks of Neville's family and on how things got this bad. There is not enough exposition of the situation and the focus of the movie is on Neville.
The production is first rate and the protagonist's isolation and alienation is believable. Even the action scenes are timely and this serves to maintain the tempo of the movie.
There are a few surprisingly gripping scenes and they work only because of Smith's commendable performance.
Smith clearly carries this movie and he does an excellent job bringing some emotional heft to what could have been a silly horror flick.
Smith, after having earned an Oscar nomination last year for "The Pursuit of Happyness", is clearly peaking and is slowly emerging as one of the very few dependable Hollywood stars. Very few movies of his have bombed and he is a true superstar. He has been smart in his choice of movies. They are big budget blockbusters but allow him to bring out some emotion and even socially conscious messages. "I am Legend' is a perfect example of that blueprint.
The movie doesn't quite qualify as a blockbuster action movie. At times it feels like it is straddling a few genres - the doomsday flicks and the horror movies. But for those looking for something smart and scary, the film is a good bet. I bet you that it is a good movie.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Top Ten Posts 2007
My College Tour
Everything is destined to Everyone
Personal Diary
AmirthA Juices
A note on MNC's
Be Pragmatic
My School Life
Jest 4 Jokes
Try to view these posts (if you have not read before) and give your feedback.
MGM oru Paarvai
MGM, being located on ECR. attracts everyone.
MGM Hotels and Resorts, a connoisseur in hospitality and entertainment has extensive facilities at MGM Beach Resorts and East Woods both on ECR Road in Chennai and at Bethesdaa Inn MGM Resort in Vailankanni. MGM Hotels and Resorts has ambitious plans of widening its hospitality network by acquiring more hotels.
To expand its umbrella in the South, the company is on the threshold of opening a heritage Hotel at Coonoor, the Queen of Hills and a High-Way Motel at Ranipet en route Bangalore and more such openings are on the cards.
With five decades of rich experience and expertise, this division delivers exceptional transport and end to end logistics solutions and is involved in Ship Chartering, Mining, Stevedoring, Delivering to consignees, besides identifying special cargo for regional requirements. For this purpose we have nurtured a number of offices at strategic locations across the country. To hang out its banner, Anand Transport has now emerged with pride as “ MGM Shipping & Logistics Pvt. Ltd., The company owns, manages and operates an extensive fleet of earth moving equipments reaping ardent success. It has been extending its yeomen operations making entry into several international locations, more notably China, Korea, Singapore, Indonesia and South Africa for coal mining. The company also boasts of having established a solid base in the ports of Chennai, Coimbatore, Indoor, Vizag, Paradeep, Tuticorin, Haldia, Kakinada, New Mangalore, Goa and Ennore.